Self Assessment

Use the free self assessment tool prior to formal assessment by TELAS

Self Assessment

Use the free self assessment tool prior to formal assessment by TELAS

Institutions may prefer to self-assess a learning package rather than submit the learning package for peer review. A decision to engage in a formal assessment must be weighed against the value of having a learning package assessed through the rigorous and objective assessment procedures that TELAS offers. 

There is no need to register online with TELAS if your institution simply plans to self-assess a learning package for its own purposes. However, it is a requirement that an institution completes a self-assessment of their learning package prior to submitting it for a formal review in TELAS.

Self-assessment is undertaken offline and not from within the TELAS app. To undertake self-assessment, use the free assessment tool available for download.

Download the Self Assessment Tool

Did you download our tool? We're interested in your experience! Please provide your contact information if you're happy for us to reach out to you for feedback.

The ASCILITE Institutional TELAS program pilot

ASCILITE is currently piloting an Institutional TELAS program in partnership with UNE. Institutional TELAS represents the first credential of its kind in the sector, allowing institutions to gain sector-recognised assurance as a provider of quality online learning.