TELAS User Roles
A guide to the types of roles used in the TELAS Online appTELAS User Roles
A guide to the types of roles used in the TELAS Online appTELAS online refers to the app which is used to review and accredit learning packages. The app itself is located at The various roles found within TELAS online are listed below followed by a brief description of each one.
Course Submitter
A Course Submitter, also referred to as a learning package submitter, is the institutional representative responsible for completing all of the requirements for a learning package to be nominated for accreditation. An institution may have any number of Course Submitters. Before registering as a Course Submitter with TELAS online, the institution must complete a self-assessment of the intended learning package and organise student / guest access for TELAS reviewers. Upon completion of the TELAS peer review, the Course Submitter is emailed the results.
Admin Reviewer
This role is assigned by TELAS to assess the measures of performance related to the administrative components of a learning package. The Admin Reviewer has been verified by ASCILITE to be capable of conducting this review. Admin reviews are always completed prior to a learning package being assigned to a Certified Reviewer.
Interim Reviewer
An Interim Reviewer has completed a TELAS Peer Review Workshop and is awaiting confirmation that they have satisfied the assessment requirements to be registered as a TELAS Certified Reviewer. Following attendance at the workshop, the Interim Reviewer registers with TELAS online (as an Interim Reviewer) and remains in this status until they are certified by ASCILITE and their status transfers to that of a Certified Reviewer.
Certified Reviewer
A Certified Reviewer is an accredited ASCILITE TELAS assessor. Certified Reviewers assess learning packages assigned to them by the TELAS Administrator. Two Certified Reviewers are assigned to each learning package to conduct individual assessments followed by a Combined Assessment in which they collectively decide the summative ‘measures of performance’ and provide qualitative feedback to explain their ‘measures of performance’ outcomes.
TELAS Administrator
The TELAS Administrator oversees the operation of TELAS Online and maintains the public TELAS website. The administrator manages the registration, logistics and communications with users, assigns reviewers to learning packages and arranges for them to have access to learning packages for the purpose of assessment. The administrator monitors the progress of online assessments, helps Course Submitters and Reviewers with any TELAS related technical issues and manages learning package accreditation requirements including issuance of accreditation. The administrator also provides reports to the TELAS Management Committee as required.