The TELAS Assessment Outcomes
How your online learning package is accredited after assessmentTELAS Assessment Outcomes
The review process concludes with a combined assessment report that determines the learning package’s level of achievement against each of the standards and in respect to the domain and overall performance levels. These performance levels determine the accreditation badge that is awarded at the completion of the process.

Following the review, the institution is provided with assessment reports that include a summary of the assessment outcomes and the performance levels achieved for each domain and overall. If the institution is satisfied with the overall performance level of the assessment, the badges associated with the assessment are issued upon payment of the applicable fee.
The institution also has the option of using the assessment reports to guide modifications based on reviewer feedback to the learning package.
If the institution wishes to have the learning package re-assessed, it may do so within two months from the date of the original assessment reports. In this case, a follow up review is undertaken and a final report is prepared with performance levels determined.
For institutions that do not wish to have their learning package formally assessed by TELAS, TELAS offers guidance for self-assessment and performance evaluation.
The ASCILITE Institutional TELAS program pilot
ASCILITE is currently piloting an Institutional TELAS program in partnership with UNE. Institutional TELAS represents the first credential of its kind in the sector, allowing institutions to gain sector-recognised assurance as a provider of quality online learning.