Becoming a Certified Reviewer
Becoming a Certified Reviewer
If you have a keen interest in enhancing the quality of online learning in the tertiary sector, you may be interested in becoming a TELAS Certified Reviewer.
Those interested in becoming a reviewer must attend a one day Reviewer Certification Workshop and then undertake one or more course assessments online before being certified.
Workshop Costs
The Reviewer Certification Workshops are conducted periodically online. The cost of attending the online reviewer workshop is $250 for ASCILITE members and $400 for non-members (which includes a 12 month membership of ASCILITE). The in-person workshops will be advertised in various locations and cost $330 for ASCILITE members and $480 for non-members (including 12 month membership fee).
The ASCILITE Institutional TELAS program pilot
ASCILITE is currently piloting an Institutional TELAS program in partnership with UNE. Institutional TELAS represents the first credential of its kind in the sector, allowing institutions to gain sector-recognised assurance as a provider of quality online learning.