Prerequisites for reviewing your online course package

There are six steps involved with your online course package assessment. 

Prerequisites for reviewing your online course package

There are six steps involved with your online course package assessment
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How your online learning package is assessed for accreditation


Step 1

Check TELAS suitability


Step 2

Pay accreditation fee


Step 3

Complete self-assessment


Step 6

Submit Learning Package for Assessment


Step 5

Upload completed Self Assessment


Step 4

Set up reviewer access

How your online learning package is assessed for accreditation


Step 1

Check TELAS suitability


Step 2

Pay accreditation fee


Step 3

Complete self assessment


Step 4

Set up reviewer access


Step 5

Upload completed self assessment


Step 6

Submit learning package for assessment


Step One

Ensure that the learning package you are planning to submit is suitable for TELAS. Refer to Suitable Learning Packages for details.

Step Two

TELAS charges an accreditation fee that must be paid before an Accreditation Certificate and Badge may be issued. Fees are not due until an assessment is complete. Refer to Accreditation Fees for a schedule of current fees.

Step Three

Download the TELAS Framework assessment tool and complete a Self-Assessment of the learning package. Refer to Self-Assessments for details.

Step Four

Arrange for student view access and login credentials for three TELAS reviewers who will be assigned to review the learning package. Note that the TELAS review is a blind peer review and as such the identities of reviewers are not disclosed.


Step Five

Use the Prerequisites Form to provide TELAS with guest access to the learning package and to upload your completed Self-Assessment.

Step Six

Nominate a Course Submitter to register online with TELAS to submit the intended learning package for assessment. Refer to User Registrations for detailed instructions on how to register.

Assessment Outcomes

The TELAS decision and those of TELAS Certified Reviewers are final regarding learning package assessment results. In the event that the assessment results are insufficient to achieve TELAS accreditation, an institution may use the assessment reports to inform modification of elements of a learning package and then resubmit the learning package for re-assessment.